One of the least-discussed sign-making materials is wood. Most sign shops know how to work with high-density urethane (HDU), metal, or acrylic. However, only a few have the tools and technical know-how necessary to design, fabricate, and install durable sandblasted wood signs in Irvine, CA. Here is what you need to know.

Sandblasted Wood Signs in Irvine CA

Coaxing the Old School Look to the Wood’s Surface

Nothing says rustic like wood. Sure, you can mimic the great look of wood with the artistic customization of HDU. That said, only wood combines the material’s warmth with the authentic grain look that is so sought after. When you have a technician who understands how to bring out the beauty of the natural grain and incorporate the material’s texture, you know that your signage will catch the attention of anyone walking past your place of business. Read more about this project on our Caliber blog!

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